Saturday, March 11, 2017

Strategies, Strategists and Votes: Golden boy Prashant Kishor swept by Saffron wave?

The BJP is all set to cross the 300-seat mark in Uttar Pradesh - a thumping 3/4th majority in the state assembly. This is the largest ever win for the party in the state and mimics its success from the 2014 Lok Sabha polls. Someone who ended up on the wrong side was that poll strategist incomparable Prashant Kishor. The master-poll strategist would now do well to lie low - given that he has been proved wrong in not just Uttar Pradesh but also in Uttarakhand, where the saffron landslide has been such that even the sitting chief minister Harish Rawat lost from two seats.

After he worked on BJP's 2014 poll pitch and then got Nitish-Lalu's strategy bang on in Bihar, Kishor was hired by the Congress to set its house in order in Uttar Pradesh primarily. He was then the man with the Midas-touch, the golden boy who could do no wrong. Except everyone forgot the moral of the story - the Midas touch wasn't a boon, it was a curse. And Mr Kishor, through no fault of his own, was attributed such magical powers at winning elections.


It is said that Prashant Kishor persuaded the Akhilesh Yadav-led Samajwadi Partyto go in for an alliance with the Congress. It seems however that Uttar Pradesh didn't like the saath after all. Together they polled about 30% of the votes, a chunk in which Congress was a single-digit contributor. In terms of seats, it seems the Congress will get 7-8.

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